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Policy & Procedures

We recognise that policies and procedures are of fundamental importance in today’s haulage industry and critical to our ongoing business success.


EDGE HEAVY LOGISTICS management and staff are required to undergo continual training as it is our responsibility to all concerned that our employees have a thorough understanding of industry standards and requirements.

The company is committed to developing employee potential in order to improve job performance and Employee satisfaction. This commitment involves the implementation, maintenance and promotion of a planned approach for the training and development of employees.

Examples of training undertaken are:

  • TLIF6307A Fatigue Management.
  • TLIF1007C Apply Fatigue Management Strategies.
  • NTC Australia Advanced Load Restraint Standards.
  • State and Federal Guidelines for Transportation of Indivisible Loads.
  • OHS Workplace Health and Safety (Queensland).
  • Equipment specific training from the manufacturer.
  • Full induction when a new piece of equipment arrives.


All personnel, including contractors, should remain capable at all times of performing any duty, which may be required of them.

Should a person be found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs it will be seen as a breach of these rules, which will lead to dismissal from the company, or cancellation of contract. Alcohol may not be consumed on any company property without exception. The misuse of drugs intended for medical use will be regarded also as a breach of these rules. We insist staff seek medical advice if there is any doubt about the likely effects of prescribed medication.


“In Case of Emergencies” is our procedures guide which is given to all staff upon induction. Induction includes a personal guide introducing them to what the guide refers to. Fire procedure and identification of evacuation points are part of the induction.


A First Aid Box is located on site and its location made known to the supervisor and staff. First aid kits are kept fully stocked. A clear chain of command has been established should an emergency occur and with alternative personnel identified for back up.

  • If an emergency arises the manager or supervisor is trained to arrange first aid, medical care and transportation if necessary.
  • Injuries are reported immediately to the manager or supervisor, regardless of the nature of the injury, for Workers’ Compensation
  • All first aid is noted in the “First Aid Register”.


To ensure physical fitness meets the standards necessary to carry out required duties medical checks are requested if appropriate.


EHL is committed to maintaining professional standards of conduct in all its business practices and ensuring that all personnel are treated in a fair and equitable manner. This policy applies to all EHL and subsidiary employees, third party contractors and consultants working in our facilities. All personnel are empowered to develop and maintain a working environment, which reduces the likelihood of sexual harassment.

The Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 prohibits sexual harassment in employment and both the harasser and the company may be held liable if it occurs. Sexual harassment covers a range of behaviours’, which constitute a verbal, visual or physical affront of a sexual nature to a person. It is conduct with a sexual component that is unwelcome, unsolicited and unreciprocated. It does not refer to occasional compliments or other mutually acceptable behaviour. The EHL Administration Manager and Supervisors are identified as points of contact and are trained and briefed to deal discreetly and effectively with matters brought to their attention and remain non-judgmental.


The company believes that all employees should be able to operate within an environment that is free from any form of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.  In our endeavour to promote an environment free from discrimination, workplace bullying and sexual harassment, all complaints are treated in a sensitive, equitable and confidential manner. All employees who make complaints (complainant) or are a witness of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment will be protected against victimisation. Our commitment to this is demonstrated by the following aims:

  • Handle all complaints in a sensitive, equitable and confidential manner.
  • Ensure all employees who make complaints (complainant) or are a witness of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment will be protected against victimisation.
  • Implement training and awareness raising strategies to ensure that all employees know their rights and responsibilities.
  • Provide an effective procedure for complaints based on the principles of natural justice.
  • Promote appropriate standards of conduct at all times.


By taking a sensible and reasonable attitude to safety, accidents can be avoided. Examples of simple measure we take are:

  • Areas of operation kept clean and tidy.
  • Trained and qualified supervisors with the job.
  • Jobs executed by the proper, safe method.
  • Short cuts are avoided.
  • Warning signs actively used.
  • Safety promoted at all times, safety guards and devices fitted are part of the expected operation of equipment.
  • All tools are kept in a good state of repair.
  • Tools, accessories, materials and equipment are stored in their correct place.


Mobile equipment is only operated by licensed or authorized personnel. Operators are trained in the specific purposes and methods of operation. They are familiar with the capacity of the lifting device and instructed to never exceed this.


Any obvious hazard is reported immediately to the supervisor. All injuries, no matter how slight, must be reported to the supervisor and any necessary first aid and medical treatment obtained.

An EHL Incident Report Form (as required by law under the Work Health and Safety Act) is completed for any injury. The first-aid officers are identified to staff for each work site.

Any near misses are reported on an EHL Incident Report Form. Any damage to company property is reported on an EHL Incident Report Form.

EHL has comprehensive policies are the cornerstone of our operation. We developed our operating manual and policies and procedures from our pool of experienced industry professionals. It is central to our operation. It is written for our operators to understand and implement.

It is a handbook for remote Australia, proven from years of experience, capturing decades of local knowledge, distilling the common sense from our most experienced operators.

With ground rules that cover all aspects of regular transport we then have sections specific to Oil and Gas, Specialised Transport, Exploration Transport, Hotshots and Ports.

These policies are subject to a regular audit process and are live documents with regular updates.

All subcontractors operating under the EHL banner are required to successfully complete and comply with the stringent EHL qualification standards.

Constant review of training and inductions ensure that all EHL workers are suitably trained in work, health, safety and environment and the tasks they are required to undertake. We regularly review all aspects of work, health, safety and environment at all scheduled meetings and ensure all worker activities are based on a risk management approach.

EHL monitors their training, compliance, tickets, licences and medicals and conducts client and site-specific inductions. EHL drivers must adhere to the Work Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual and EHL Driver’s Manual before commencing work on any job site in Australia.

Edge Heavy Logistics is committed to:

  • Ensuring our workers, visitors, clients and client’s workers remain free from risk to their health and safety at work;
  • Continual improvement of Safety Performance and the elimination of workplace injury and illness;
  • Understanding the importance of working with all stakeholders to achieve our safety objectives;
  • Effective consultation and engagement with workers and staff on Work Health and Safety matters and utilising the application of sound risk management principles; and
  • Achieving a sustainable and rewarding culture of safety for all concerned. Our environment policies are designed to minimise risk and reduce impact. This includes road impact minimisation, dust suppression and cultural disturbance mitigation. We are aware of the emphasis on cultural sensitivities surrounding indigenous heritage and sacred sites.

Operators are instructed not to undertake any unapproved transport or to go anywhere other than stipulated. To stay within designated transport corridors and not to embark on travel that may endanger items of cultural significance.

These are work practices that have been informed by years of experience working alongside and within sensitive areas.

EHL aims to provide a safe and healthy working environment and safe systems of work for all employees, implementing a stringent Risk Prevention Policy.

EHL Fatigue Management Policy demonstrates the on-going commitment to managing driving hours and fatigue within the workplace.

Our Fatigue Management Procedures cover issues such as:

  • Driving hours
  • On road scheduling
  • Scheduling of drivers
  • Rostering
  • Fitness for duty
  • General health assessments
  • Exercises to help neck, back, shoulders and legs
  • Fatigue training and education

All EHL employees and contracted staff are provided with fatigue training and education on a quarterly basis.

The Transport Supervisor conducts toolbox meetings prior to commencement to identify hazards, outline the job description and nominate specific personnel to monitor any foreseeable risks and hazards.

In the event of an incident EHL has procedures for the safety of all personnel present.

The EHL Incident Reporting Procedure shall apply to any incident, work related illness or dangerous event that occurs at a EHL work site. It applies to all workers, visitors and contractors.

The Incident Report is completed by the HSSE Consultant and held at Head Office, no later than five working days after the last day of the month ends. This report includes a summary reporting of all reportable incidents and near misses.

In the event of identifying non-conforming personnel or equipment, EHL consults with the relevant personnel and evaluates the situation.

Edge Heavy Logistics consult the involved parties to ascertain whether the personnel, equipment or hazard can be isolated or removed from site. In conjunction with the above incident reporting methods, non-conformance will be recorded and available to those parties directly involved.

Environmental Policy

Not only is the safety or our employees important, but we feel it is essential to minimise environmental damage.  We have a policy of procuring equipment designed to minimise impact on roads and infrastructure.

We seek to minimise environmental impacts, achieve continual improvement and reduce pollution during our activities. We believe our environmental policy delivers economic, social and environmental benefits to the community and the company.

We see this as our responsibility.

By promoting an environmentally aware culture our aim is to:

  • Reduce waste and pollution generated from our activities.
  • Avoid and prevent environmental damage.
  • Avoid exposure of our employees and the public to environmental health hazards and risks.
  • Comply with relevant legislation

OH & S Policy

We provide current safety values and policies as well as the provision of physical and mechanical facilities in order for to maintain standard practices to prevent work-induced injuries and illnesses.  Edge Heavy Logistics is committed to providing a safe and healthy working place for our employees. Our responsibilities include:

  • Staff are provided reasonable and practicable safeguards for safe working conditions.
  • Staff are provided with clean, safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Equipment, tools, and machines are maintained in good repair.
  • We study and develop safe work methods and train in these methods.
  • We comply with local safety codes and statutory safety regulations.
  • It is the policy of the company to provide, maintain, and seek to improve standards of Health and Safety.
  • Operating practices, which safeguard employees and result in safe working conditions and efficient operation, must be followed.
  • This responsibility rests equally on all who work at the company and we seek and expect active cooperation and support.
  • Correct lifting procedures are to be used and full use is made of mechanical aids.
  • Proper manual lifting techniques are trained and stressed. Lifting of heavy weights solo is discouraged.
  • Approved protective clothing is supplied and to be worn at all times.

This company is conscious of the necessity and importance of having an effective Safety and Accident Prevention Programme in its working activities.

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